sonicscrewdriver 0.0.7 (2024-05-11)
New functionality
- sweptsine() can generate logarithmic sweeps with mode="log"
- normalise() wrapper to tuneR::normalize() to detect bit depth
- data2Wave() uses new normalise() wrapper
- additional examples for sweptsine()
- internal function to normalise a spectrum
- better testing of bind.wave parameter to windowing().
sonicscrewdriver 0.0.6 (2024-03-01)
- issued identified on Win build
- convert2seconds() where numeric value < 1000 passed as HHMM.
sonicscrewdriver 0.0.5 (2024-02-23)
New functionality
- use BirdNET-Analyzer within R using reticulate
- readAudio() generic function to read audio files
- readAudacityLabels() to read Audacity label files
- citation() information
- angle conversion
- Dolbear's law
- audioblast() - search for recordings and analyses on
- audioblastDownload() - Download files from audioBlast
- allChannels for analysing multi-channel audio
- read Respeaker6 formatted files
New classes
- Annotation class (recording and manipulating annotations)
- PseudoWave class (e.g. apply noise to a file of any length)
- TaggedWaves class (document metadata and processing)
- WaveFilter class (supports applying filters using pipes)
- audiomothWave() fix (comments not consistently placed in header)
sonicscrewdriver 0.0.4 (2021-05-02)
- support for reading AudioMoth configuration files
- support for reading AudioMoth metadata in wave files
- audioRead function to convert more audio file types to Wave object
- parseFilename now accepts POSIX timestamp as a format
- provides some typical volumes (in decibels)
sonicscrewdriver 0.0.3 (2020-11-15)
- Jitter and shimmer functions added.