Package: sonicscrewdriver

Ed Baker

sonicscrewdriver: Bioacoustic Analysis and Publication Tools

Provides tools for manipulating sound files for bioacoustic analysis, and preparing analyses these for publication. The package validates that values are physically possible wherever feasible.

Authors:Ed Baker [aut, cre], Quentin Geissman [ctb]

sonicscrewdriver.pdf |sonicscrewdriver.html
sonicscrewdriver/json (API)

# Install 'sonicscrewdriver' in R:
install.packages('sonicscrewdriver', repos = c('', ''))

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7.04 score 6 stars 26 scripts 3.2k downloads 117 exports 43 dependencies

Last updated 15 hours agofrom:88ba4979af. Checks:1 OK, 8 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 26 2025
R-4.5-winERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.5-macERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.4-winERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.4-macERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.4-linuxERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.3-winERRORMar 26 2025
R-4.3-macERRORMar 26 2025



Annotations: handling labelled audio data

Rendered fromannotations.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-11-01
Started: 2024-10-31

Managing audio in R

Rendered frommanage_audio.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-03-04
Started: 2024-02-11


Rendered fromsonicscrewdriver.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-02-18
Started: 2020-11-18

Using audioBlast with R

Rendered fromaudioblast.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 26 2025.

Last update: 2024-05-12
Started: 2024-02-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
PseudoWave scalar subtraction-,PseudoWave,numeric-method
Check if two annotations overlap or are continuous.annotation_check_overlap
Combine annotations helper function.merge_annotations
Helper function to convert a Wave-like object to scikit-maad spectrogram.spectrogram_maad_power
Helper function to convert a Wave-like object to scikit-maad spectrum.spectrum_maad
Allow subsetting a Wave object with a TimeRegion[,Wave,TimeRegion-method
Numeric multiplication by PseudoWave*,numeric,PseudoWave-method
PseudoWave scalar manipulation*,PseudoWave,numeric-method
PseudoWave scalar division/,PseudoWave,numeric-method
Numeric addition by PseudoWave+,numeric,PseudoWave-method
PseudoWave scalar addition+,PseudoWave,numeric-method
Convert text times of day in audioblast traits to numeric valuesab_diel_traits
Add a process to a Tagged Wave or WaveMC objectaddProcess addProcess,TaggedWave-method addProcess,TaggedWaveMC-method
Add two spectra from seewaveaddSpectra
Apply a function to all channels of a Wave or WaveMC objectallChannels
Create a new Annotation objectannotation
A S4 class for annotationsAnnotation-class
Convert a list of Annotation objects to a data.frameAnnotationList2DataFrame
Calculated size of raw audio filesaudio_filesize
Get data or analyses from audioBlastaudioblast
Download audio files from audioBlastaudioblastDownload
Read AudioMoth configuration fileaudiomothConfig
Read AudioMoth metadata from a wave fileaudiomothWave
Automatic Band Pass FilterautoBandPass
Simple bandpass filterbandpass
Beat spectrum complexitybeatComplexity
Computes a beat spectrumbeatSpectrum
Analyse sound files using BirdNET-AnalyzerbirdNetAnalyse
Channels for sound ecologychannels_se
Circularise a datasetcircularise
Concatenate two or more Wave-like objects.concat concat,TaggedWave-method concat,TaggedWaveMC-method concat,Wave-method concat,WaveMC-method
Convert bits to bytesconvert2bytes
Convert temperature to Celsiusconvert2Celsius
Convert angle to degreesconvert2degrees
Convert pressure to dyne per square centimetreconvert2dyne_cm2
Convert temperature to Fahrenheitconvert2Fahrenheit
Convert temperature to Kelvinconvert2Kelvin
Convert pressure to Pascalsconvert2Pascals
Convert angle to radiansconvert2radians
Convert time to secondsconvert2seconds
Correlate channels in a WaveMC objectcorWaveMC
Cut wave by samplescutws
Convert data into a Wave objectdata2Wave
Phase of daydayPhase
Phases of daydayPhases
Phases of daysdaysPhases
Create Default Cluster for WindowingdefaultCluster
Calculate the fraction of a day given by a valuedielFraction
Diel HistogramdielHistogram
Generate labels for a diel plotdielLabels
Create a diel plotdielPlot
Generate positions of labels for a diel plotdielPositions
Plot rings on a diel plotdielRings
Dolbear's lawdolbear
Calculate the duty cycle of a wavedutyCycle
Create an empty diel plotemptyDiel
Create an empty yearly plotemptyYearly
Various measurements of frequency values for a Wave objectentropyStats
Apply a WaveFilter object to a Wave objectfilterWave
Get the frequency from wavelength and speed of soundfrequencySound
Various measurements of frequency values for a Wave objectfrequencyStats
Add noise to a Wave like objectgenerateNoise
Generate time masked Wave-like objectsgenerateTimeMask
Generated time-shifted versions of a Wave-like objectgenerateTimeShift
Import scikit-maadgetMaad
Google Speech API Transcribegs_transcribe
Converts bytes in human readable formhumanBytes
Converts time to human readable formhumanTime
Calculate the jitter in a Wave objectjitter
Pad labels with intervallabelPadding
Combines labels which overlap into single continuous regionslabelReduction
Compute the acoustic complexity index using scikit-maadmaad_acoustic_complexity_index
Compute the frequency entropy using scikit-maadmaad_frequency_entropy
Compute the number of peaks using scikit-maadmaad_number_of_peaks
Compute the spectral activity using scikit-maadmaad_spectral_activity
Compute the frequency entropy using scikit-maadmaad_spectral_entropy
Compute a spectrogram of a sound wave using scikit-maadmaad_spectrogram
Compute a spectrum of a sound wave using scikit-maadmaad_spectrum
Compute the acoustic activity index using scikit-maadmaad_temporal_activity
Compute the temporal entropy using scikit-maadmaad_temporal_entropy
Compute the acoustic event index using scikit-maadmaad_temporal_events
Compute the temporal envelope median using scikit-maadmaad_temporal_median
Map three vectors to RGBmap2RGB
Combine annotationsmerge_annotations
Calculate the natural frequencynaturalFrequency
Normalise a Wave objectnormalise
Natural Time Domainntd
Parse a filenameparseFilename
Pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)pd_dietrich2004
Simplified pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)pd_simple
Create a PseudoWave objectpseudoWave
An S4 class to represent a PseudoWave object that is converted to a Wave object when operated on.PseudoWave-class
Generate a single pulsepulse
Pulse detectionpulseDetection
Pulse intervalspulseIntervals
Install sonicscrewdriver Python environmentpythonInstall
The radar equationradarPower
Radar rangeradarRange
Plot a radial polygonradialPolygon
Rainfall detectionrainfallDetection
Read an Audacity label filereadAudacityLabels
Read an audio filereadAudio
Read output files from BirdNet AnalyserreadBirdNet
Read a file from Seeed Studio Respeaker 6 mic arrayreadRespeaker6
Reference intensityreferenceIntensity
Reference pressurereferencePressure
Specify a region with a file to analyseregion
Calculate the resonant frequencyresonantFrequency
Sample durationsDuration
Sheep frequencyStatssheepFrequencyStats
Calculate the shimmer in a Wave objectshimmer
Sort annotationssort_annotations
Calculate the speed of sound in a mediumsoundSpeed
Calculate and plot statistics on a frequency spectrumspecStats
An S4 class to represent a spectrogram from scikit-maad.spectrogram_maad-class
Short term energyste
STP: Standard Temperature and PressureSTP
Subtract two spectra from seewavesubtractSpectra
Generate a sine sweepsweptsine
A S4 class for tagged wavesTaggedWave-class
A S4 class for tagged multi-channel wavesTaggedWaveMC-class
Tag a Wave or WaveMC objecttagWave
An S4 class to represent a TimeRegion within a Wave object.TimeRegion-class
Samples per time periodtSamples
Typical volumestypicalVolume
Converts a timezone offset into a rotationtzRot
Untag a TaggedWave or TaggedWaveMC objectuntagWave
Upsample a waveupsample
Check an object is a Wave objectvalidateIsWave
WaveFilter object for audio filtersWaveFilter-class
Windowing Function for Wave Objectswindowing
Save a time region defined by an Annotation object as a Wave filewriteAnnotationWave
Write an Audacity label filewriteAudacityLabels
Calculate the fraction of a year given by a valueyearlyFraction
Generate labels for a yearly plotyearlyLabels
Create a yearly plotyearlyPlot
Generate positions of labels for a yearly plotyearlyPositions
Identify zero crossings in a Wave objectzerocross
Zero spectrumzeroSpectrum